Mbete Reliquary male Figure

Type: figure
Exhibits: Cycle of Life
Tribes: Kota peoples, Mbete group
Location: Gabon / Republic of Congo
Period: Early 20th Century
Materials: Iron, Kaolin, Pigments, Wood
Price: Contact Us

Clan leaders attributed mystical power to certain bones of their ancestors that were preserved within the hollowed interior of the mitsitsi-na-ngoye figures, which assisted in bringing success in hunting, fertility and defense in the community's life. When the relics of a leader began to disintegrate, they were replaced by recently departed Ngoye members. The elongated torso of the figure still retains its original tree-trunk form. There is a contrast between the solid torso, the powerful mscular bent legs and the diminutive frail arms held close to the body in right angle (A. LaGamm 2007:266-7).

Mbete Reliquary male Figure
Mbete Reliquary male Figure
Mbete Reliquary male Figure
Mbete Reliquary male Figure