Seated Male Figure Carrying a Basket
In typical Betsi style, this statue has balanced volumes: the upper and lower parts of the body are relatively equal, with a basket tied to the torso at the center of the configuration. The figure's seated posture and the plinth emerging from the buttocks resembles the original, suited to placement on the lid of the reliquary box, containing the sacred relics (skulls of venerated ancestors) for the ancestor cult.
According to Rivere "the cord serves to signify security and life, a notion reinforced by the tradition. Life is conceived as a 'cord of life'. In addition, cords are important because of their close identity with ideas of family and continuity". And to quote Gilli's words "on the cord of ancients, one weaves the new, meaning that thought and action is in conformity with the tradition of the ancestors".
The statue has a beautiful warm brown wood. Probably was used for unknown purpose.
Rivere, 1979: as cited in S. Preston-Blier, African Vodun, 1995, pp.242-6
Gilli, 1976:103 as cited in S. Preston-Blier, African Vodun, 1995, pp.242-6